$ROSE Trader data has a new home at rosetrader.xyz
$ROSE Trader: Arbitrage Monitor: this monitor follows the arbitrage movements of tokens between exchanges. We can use it to observe imbalances in the market. E.g. one exchange buying above the wider market price will see increased arbitraged inflow. Conversely, an exchange seeing sell pressure below the wider market price will see increased arbitraged outflow.
- This monitor uses Binance Exchange as a baseline: all Binance outbound arbitrage is shown as a negative figure below the zero line, representing Binance arbitraged outflow. All arbitraged inflow to Binance is represented as a positive figure above the zero line.
- It is important to understand how imbalances are created: increased selling on Binance will be visualised in the same way as increased buying on Coinbase, as both will result in the same arbitrage profile. Be sure to check the respective exchange activity to confirm.
- The colour coded areas in the chart represent the respective exchange volumes. These volumes are stacked, so a positive volume will be visualised as first filling a negative value, and vice versa.
- The monitor treats all token movements between exchanges within a 48hr period that move directly out of one exchange, via single wallet address, then back onto another exchange as potential arbitrage transfers.
- Arbitrage is assumed here to be in service of the price spread between exchanges.
- Sustained periods of arbitrage may be viewed with greater significance than single events.
Resolution: 1hr, showing the totals of arbitrage in the hour that preceded the timestamp.
Timestamped at UTC
Historic Arb chart available here, prior to MEXC being added: Arbitrage Monitor 1.0