$ROSE Trader data has a new home at rosetrader.xyz

The Network bundle covers data related to the Oasis Protocol block-chain and its paratimes. Data not readily available via the Oasis foundation supported monitors has been deduced here from other data points.

This dashboard covers staking and debonding totals, escrow and related foundation wallet activity.

ROSE500 Liquid Balance monitor
Bundling different wallet classes, this dashboard tracks the approximate current liquid circulating supply of ROSE tokens

Mainnet Fee Monitor
This dashboard tracks the daily mainnet fee totals of the Emerald and Sapphire Parratimes

Token Schedule
A supplement to the Foundation's token release schedule data, including an overlay of ROSEUSD v Token schedule

ROSE Rolodex
Tracks the wallet activity of the foundation wallet that conducts test transfers to all token release recipients, prior to their token unlocks - giving us advanced information on upcoming token unlocks.