$ROSE Trader data has a new home at rosetrader.xyz
$ROSE Trader: Coinbase v ROSEUSD (or Inverse Coinbase) monitor follows ROSEUSD price movement against the Coinbase exchange balance * -1.
- Coinbase exchange balance when inverted closely follows the ROSEUSD price movement, reflecting better than most exchanges organic inflow and outflow, supply and demand.
- Coinbase exchange balance is inverted by multiplying the current balance by a factor of -1, showing all values as a negative number. This is done to help intuitively visualise the inverse relation between supply and price.
- As a rule of thumb, (inverse) Coinbase exchange balance trending above the 30D-MA is bullish, below is bearish.
- Watching the simple 30D-MA of the Coinbase exchange balance versus the current Coinbase exchange balance can give some indication of the current supply and demand trend: when exchange balance is trending below the 30D-MA supply is outpacing demand; when trending above the 30D-MA demand outpacing supply. Watching for divergences between the Coinbase balance and ROSEUSD can be a useful leading indicator of future price direction.
- If in doubt, the best approach is to turn MAs off and draw a trend line against Coinbase balances—I have found trend breaks in the Coinbase exchange balance one of the most valid indicators with this metric.
Resolution: hourly
Timestamped at UTC