$ROSE Trader data has a new home at rosetrader.xyz

$ROSE Rolodex Monitor: this monitor charts the outbound tx activity of the ROSE Rolodex wallet address (my description not the Foundation's). This wallet is used by the Foundation to do smaller test transfers prior to the large token transfers, of the token release schedule. These small (1 or 2 ROSE) outbound tx from this wallet preempt the token releases to the same wallet addresses by about 72hrs—so this chart helps to give an unbiased insight into how price performs before and after token releases, at different moments in the market. The chart above shows the ROSE Rolodex wallet balance in blue, increases are not of interest to us, we are only looking for decreases or outbound transactions, as these are the foundation testing the wallets prior to larger token release/unlock transfers. Dips in the blue line (ROSE Rolodex balance) are painted on the ROSEUSD price chart. Wallet Address: https://oasismonitor.com/account/oasis1qr8znzva3h28hausy7n3fput0fn80sajeywmwp5y