$ROSE Trader data has a new home at rosetrader.xyz

Showing current debonding balance of all 120 active validators. There are two different debonding events I look for: foundation debonding (the foundation have a large portion of undistributed tokens staked) and non-foundation debonding. Foundation debonding will most likely be for the token distribution schedule or other foundation activities. Significant non-foundation debonding events may indicate future sell pressure (debonding period is ~14 days). I have developed additional monitors to help indicate if an event is foundation related - see foundation debonding and delegations totals below. Data prior to December 2023 Drawn from Oasis Monitor API — Data post drawn from Oasis Explorer API. Data updated Daily

Total Validator Escrow balance: validator escrow refers to the tokens delegated for consensus-layer operations (Oasis docs #escrow). Validator escrow balance equates 1:1 with ROSE staked/delegated to validators. A (large) portion of currently undistributed tokens are delegated by the Oasis Foundation, accounting for the high figure ~5.5B (compare this figure with current liquid balance and circulating supply via ROSE500 monitor. See also Beta Genesis wallet details below). Data prior to December 2023 Drawn from Oasis Monitor API — Data post drawn from Oasis Explorer API. Data updated daily, accounting for all active validators.

24hr net change in Validator Escrow balance, this value will range either side of zero, showing the net change each day. Trends can be monitored in Validator Debonding Total the Validator Escrow Balance. Validator escrow refers to the tokens currently staked to a validators. Data drawn from Oasis Scans, accounting for net change across all active validators.

This chart monitors the (possible) foundation wallets debonding delegation balances. As the foundation stake a large portion of the unreleased ROSE tokens, it is useful to understand which debonding events may be for the token distribution schedule (these will come from foundation wallets), and which debonding events may be related to immediate sell pressure (from non-foundation wallets). I'm not yet sure of the function of the wallets listed, but they are the wallets that started with the Beta Genesis (first) circulating supply of ROSE, and appear to function as foundation stores for undistributed tokens. I have identified one wallet as the Community and Ecosystem wallet, the rest remain unidentified (though I could guess based on transfer history and balances). These wallets delegate significantly and (largely) evenly to support most of the smaller validators. This feels to me like foundation activity, to secure the network.

Charted Wallets

Complementing the above Foundation debonding balances, this chart monitors the (possible) foundation wallets delegation balances (the balances still staked with validators). This list of wallets is not exhaustive, so other balances likely exist, but they are the most signifcant I have located so far related to the beta Genesis ledgers. The beta genesis ledgers can be found in the original Oasis protocol Mainnet Github repository