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The above chart gives an unbiased overlay of the ROSEUSD price chart and the foundation's token release schedule. These charts also offer an quick place to total the tokens released at each epoch by comparing the 'TOTAL Tokens', something the foundation schedule lacks. Note 'TOTAL Tokens' excludes tokens released via staking rewards, further info regarding this below.

Related chart: ROSE Rolodex Monitor, tracks the activity of the foundations test transfers, which preempt the larger token unlocks.

The Foundation token release schedule. These charts also offer an quick place to total the tokens released at each epoch by comparing the token 'TOTAL', something the foundation schedule lacks. It also includes an estimated total of circulating supply throughout the token schedule, taking into account staking rewards. From launch, 2.35B tokens were allocated to the common pool for staking rewards, these tokens are not captured by the release schedule, though they are reflected in the total circulating supply. You can calculate the current staking rewards by subtracting the current release schedule total from the total circulating supply. The Common Pool Wallet balance can also be found here: oasis1qrmufhkkyyf79s5za2r8yga9gnk4t446dcy3a5zm

  • Estimated circulating supply takes into account ongoing staking rewards, which are not captured by the release schedule, and make up the current balance of circulating supply. The estimated figure is approximated taking into account staking participation, foundation tokens staked and the staking rewards schedule.
  • It is interesting to note the ~1.2B short fall in circulating supply by current estimates at the end of the token release and rewards schedule. This figure is the likely amount the foundation will have to produce further incentives to escrow/stake tokens beyond the rewards schedule.

If you want to follow the token release from wallet to wallet, this address is used by the foundation to send test transfers prior to each release. It can be used to identify the destination wallets for upcoming releases, and those passed: oasis1qr8znzva3h28hausy7n3fput0fn80sajeywmwp5y